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Manenberg Primary School Supplies

Spende geschützt
We are Master of Social Work students at Grand Valley State University traveling to Cape Town, South Africa to work in Manenberg. We are traveling with our professor, Lois Owens, MSW, to work at a school program, Little Star, she began a few years ago. 

Manenberg is known for it's history of gang violence, which does not allow for children to have a safe place to be, other than school. We are collaboarting with an amazing teenager, Felicia, who has been keeping the "Little Star" program running at Manenberg Primary, to open the school during the holiday break. We want to provide a safe environment for these learners to spend their holiday, while also continuing with their academics. We received a request to create a mural with these children during our time there, which will allow us to engage with them during a fun activity.

We are hoping to receive funds from those who are capable of donating at this time to purchase school and craft supplies for the learners, as well as supplies for the mural. 

Thank you,

Jamie, Leeann, and Brent

*If you would like to donate you may also do so in person.


Jamie Dahlquist
Grand Rapids, MI

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