Help Our Young Kings Get to Africa
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Help Us to Get Our Young Kings to Ghana in August 2019!
Our Mission
This process is designed to nurture, develop, and empower the spirit, mind, and body of young men of the African Diaspora. It is also designed to prepare our young men to assume responsibility as tomorrow’s Husbands, Fathers, Leaders, Warriors, Role Models, Entrepreneurs, and Mentors.
Our objective is to prepare our young men for the challenges to come both internal and external. It is our goal to guide, love, equip and train our young men to carry the torch (Continue a legacy) for future generations.
The Culmination of the Manhood Training Process is a journey to the birthplace of civilization, Africa. Since 1980, Manhood Training Rites of passage has given over 300 young men the chance to experience Africa.
Donations will allow us to provide flight and lodging accommodations for our young men on our journey to Africa. Our Journey will take us to Ghana, west Africa where the boys will visit memorials to W.E.B. Dubois and Kwame Nkrumah. They will travel to kente and wood carving villages to experience the craftsmanship that has influenced popular culture in which we live in Western society. They will also get the experience of traveling to the slave dungeons in “Cape Coast” to see the “Door of No Return” the holding place for enslaved African before the horrific journey through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
We have found the journey to Africa to be formative for our young Kings and truly broadens their perspective on the human experience globally and socially.
Donations that we have collected so far have allowed us to create notebooks for our Young Kings to record their journey and will serve as a guide for them to take with them after they transition to their next phase of maturation. Funds that we have raised have also allowed us to design our website, create uniforms, kickstart fundraisers, and to provide meals for our young men during our learning sessions.
Manhood Training Tools
Healthy Masculinity, Continually assessing what it means to be a man in today’s world by ridding ourselves of harmful expectations and stereotypes that society teaches boys about what it means to be a man. We help our manhood training candidates navigate toward a full expression of their manhood and to be able to connect to and process their emotions positively.
Affirmation, Reaffirming the right of a person to determine their own destiny and daily lives through the development and repetition of self-empowering thoughts, words and actions.
Knowledge of Self, Developing a contextual understanding of the contributions that have been made by our predecessors which have supported us and contributed to who we are.
Connection to the Creator, Developing a sacred connection to the Creator of all things and all people, and the understanding that we are divine beings having a human experience.
Libation, An African ritual of heritage done by the pouring or drinking, to honor the Creator, our sacred ancestors and their contributions and sacrifices that have allowed continued generations to (endure?) hardships throughout the African Diaspora.
The Practice of Yoga, We teach our Manhood Training Candidates to Develop the tools needed to focus and still the mind, use breathing to connect with the “Prana” or “life force energy” in the body, and is also a means for the awakening of spirituality within.
Help Us to Get Our Young Kings to Ghana in August 2019!
Our Mission
This process is designed to nurture, develop, and empower the spirit, mind, and body of young men of the African Diaspora. It is also designed to prepare our young men to assume responsibility as tomorrow’s Husbands, Fathers, Leaders, Warriors, Role Models, Entrepreneurs, and Mentors.
Our objective is to prepare our young men for the challenges to come both internal and external. It is our goal to guide, love, equip and train our young men to carry the torch (Continue a legacy) for future generations.
The Culmination of the Manhood Training Process is a journey to the birthplace of civilization, Africa. Since 1980, Manhood Training Rites of passage has given over 300 young men the chance to experience Africa.
Donations will allow us to provide flight and lodging accommodations for our young men on our journey to Africa. Our Journey will take us to Ghana, west Africa where the boys will visit memorials to W.E.B. Dubois and Kwame Nkrumah. They will travel to kente and wood carving villages to experience the craftsmanship that has influenced popular culture in which we live in Western society. They will also get the experience of traveling to the slave dungeons in “Cape Coast” to see the “Door of No Return” the holding place for enslaved African before the horrific journey through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
We have found the journey to Africa to be formative for our young Kings and truly broadens their perspective on the human experience globally and socially.
Donations that we have collected so far have allowed us to create notebooks for our Young Kings to record their journey and will serve as a guide for them to take with them after they transition to their next phase of maturation. Funds that we have raised have also allowed us to design our website, create uniforms, kickstart fundraisers, and to provide meals for our young men during our learning sessions.
Manhood Training Tools
Healthy Masculinity, Continually assessing what it means to be a man in today’s world by ridding ourselves of harmful expectations and stereotypes that society teaches boys about what it means to be a man. We help our manhood training candidates navigate toward a full expression of their manhood and to be able to connect to and process their emotions positively.
Affirmation, Reaffirming the right of a person to determine their own destiny and daily lives through the development and repetition of self-empowering thoughts, words and actions.
Knowledge of Self, Developing a contextual understanding of the contributions that have been made by our predecessors which have supported us and contributed to who we are.
Connection to the Creator, Developing a sacred connection to the Creator of all things and all people, and the understanding that we are divine beings having a human experience.
Libation, An African ritual of heritage done by the pouring or drinking, to honor the Creator, our sacred ancestors and their contributions and sacrifices that have allowed continued generations to (endure?) hardships throughout the African Diaspora.
The Practice of Yoga, We teach our Manhood Training Candidates to Develop the tools needed to focus and still the mind, use breathing to connect with the “Prana” or “life force energy” in the body, and is also a means for the awakening of spirituality within.

Man Hood
Washington D.C., DC
Union Temple Baptist Church