Marcelo Sosa
Donation protected
Hola aqui los hermanos Sosa, Cordialmente estamos pidiendo una alluda a familiares y amigos.
Para Poder repatriar a nuestro hermano, Que esta en una grave situacion de enfermedad. Lamentablemente su Salud Va deteorando cada dia mas, los medicos no le han hecho todos los examenes posible e a ido a diferentes hospitales y nada pueden encontrarle.
Marcelo ya tiene mas de un ano si poder moverse, no puede caminar ni comer solo, entre la familia se le ayuda con todo lo que el necesite. Hemos tomado la decision de Llevarlo a mexico, Ahi tendra la ayuda y apoyo de mas familiares, y medicina mas economica. No encontramo mas solucion que esta. Les pedimos ayuda recaudar fondo para hacer esto posible. le queremos dar la mejor ayuda a nuestro hermano.
Cualquier Ayuda sera bienvenida!
De todo corazón muchísimas gracias por su apoyo. Que dios los bendiga, y se los multiplique
Att: Familia Sosa
This is the Sosa Family. We are cordially asking family and friends for help.
To be able to repatriate our brother, who is in a serious situation of illness. Unfortunately, his health is deteriorating more every day, the doctors have done all the tests possible and he has gone to different hospitals and they cannot find anything for him.
It has been about a little over a year since Marcelo has been able to move, he can't walk or eat alone, We help him with everything he needs. We have decided to take him to Mexico, where he will have the help and support of more relatives, and cheaper medicine. I can't find any other solution than this. We ask you to help raise funds to make this possible. we want to give the best help to our brother.
Any help will be welcomed!
With all my heart thank you very much for your support. God bless you and multiply you
Att: Sosa Family
Veronica Sosa
Newark, NJ