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Marché en fer - Pou machann yo

Donación protegida
On February 13th, a tragic incident caused many to lose their businesses in Haiti. Our biggest street market was completely burned out due to a fire in the middle of the night. 
Thousands of people lost all their supplies, and now have no source of income. 
We decided to raise funds in order to help as many families as possible during this horrible time. Our goal is to provide them with enough money to pay the rest of the school year for their kids, as well as giving them a few supplies to survive, until they find an alternative and a permanent solution. 
In order to find these families, we have people who used to work inside the market, who will identify the business owners, and also confirm through records, that they are the victims of the fire. 
We ask everyone to please help. With just $30, you can help send a kid to school for the rest of the year. Any amount is needed and greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Nan maten 13 fevriye ki sot pase a, on dife te anvayi Mache en fè nan Pòtoprens. Mache a boule nèt e tout bagay ki te laden yo pedi. 
Tout machann yo pedi biznis yo e kounye a, yo pa konn kijan yo pral kontinye viv.
Nap fè posib nou pou nou rekolte kòb pou ede plis fanmi ke nou kapab pandan moman trajik sa a. 
Objektif nou se pou nou peye rès ane lekòs pou otan timoun ke posib, epi tou pou nou bay fanmi sa yo kèk pwovizyon, jikaske yo jwenn on altènativ. 
Pou jwenn fanmi sa yo, nou gen moun ki te konn travay anndan mache a, kap ede nou idantifye machann ki te gen bizins yo anndan an, e nap cheche tou prèv ke yo anrejistre nan mache a.

Nap mande èd tout moun. Avèk sèlman 2,000 goud, ou ka ede peye lekol on timoun pou rès ane skolè a.
Nenpòt kisa ou ka bay ap itil e nap apresye li anpil. 

Mesi davans.


  • Aworldson Benjamin
    • $10
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

yendy cave
Jamaica, NY
kem-yo wah

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe