Running a mile a day, a month for mental health
From the first of April. I will be running a mile a day for a month to spread awareness and try raise money for mental health.
Having lost friends to the battle, having family struggle with it as well struggling with depression myself- It’s always been a mission of mine to spread as much awareness for mental health as possible and try help others out.
Every day without fail I will push myself to my max and do a mile run. There will be no excuses!
I did this a few years ago (in all fairness lot less fat then) for Alzheimer’s another charity close to my heart. Any donations would be incredibly appreciated but not expected. Always here for a chat, remember your not alone ❤️
Having lost friends to the battle, having family struggle with it as well struggling with depression myself- It’s always been a mission of mine to spread as much awareness for mental health as possible and try help others out.
Every day without fail I will push myself to my max and do a mile run. There will be no excuses!
I did this a few years ago (in all fairness lot less fat then) for Alzheimer’s another charity close to my heart. Any donations would be incredibly appreciated but not expected. Always here for a chat, remember your not alone ❤️
Marcus Skeet
Mind (NAMH)