Maria and Maddie's
Donation protected
Meet Maria....Maria Ronda is a disabled veteran who served our country in the Air National Guard and the Air Force from 2012-2017. She was deployed to Afghanistan in 2015, where she sustained injuries rendering her disabled, needing a service dog. Maria reached out to several rescues and was turned down. She tried to go through veteran organizations to get some help, but the wait time for service dogs is anywhere from 1-4 years. Then she found my organization. Coinindently Stephanie's Shepherds had a young female German Shepherd, Maddie, who fit Maria's needs perfectly! As a 501c3, Stephanie's Shepherds survives mainly on donations and adoptions fees to continue to rescue and save more German Shepherds, butttt we feel that Maria has done enough for our country and shouldn't have to shell out a dime for her service dog. So we are seeking to raise $1700 for Maddie's adoption fee, her basic obedience training, testing for her CGC, her service dog training by a special trainer, who not only trains dogs but specifically trains service dogs, and any extra amount left overwill go for travel to and from training. Maria has done enough for our country, its time we step up and help her!

Stephanie DeRose-Morano
Myers Corner, NY