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Maria and Tobias Expense Fund

Doação protegida

As many of you know, Maria and Tobias (& Stella) were involved in a motor vehicle accident at the beginning of February. Putting into motion what continues to be an extremely trying time for them. Tobias suffered a very serious concussion and has since been dealing with post-concussion syndrome. At the end of March, Maria was rushed to the cardiac ICU at VGH after suffering the first SCAD heart attack of what appears to be three over that weekend. Maria was then diagnosed with FMD and RCVS, all of which invites much needed support from all of us right now. These are life altering diagnoses with long term life changes. Maria obviously needs to keep her stress and heart rate low, while continuing to take care of her children who are still processing all of this, and while Tobias is trying to heal (a process that the neurologist has indicated will take one year or longer). ICBC has ruled that they will not offset any lost wages for Tobias. Maria’s ability to work is hindered while she heals and carries the load of caring for her husband and young children.  Adding to this, the restrictions in place keep many of us from physically helping.  

 With this is mind, there is an opportunity for us to jump in and support in any way we can and make their load lighter at this time. Please do not underestimate a small donation and the difference it can make.

 We love Maria and Tobias, and the kids so much, let’s band together to show them. These funds will help cover rent and other basic expenses while they recover.  

Thank you all for your support.  Please note: if you are not familiar with Go Fund Me there is a help centre and questions section in this section you will note the option to click no tip. If you are uncomfortable by any fees associated with go fund me this is a great option. Alternatively feel free to ask or send a message for help! 




  • Anônimo
    • $100
    • 3 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $400
    • 3 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $500
    • 3 anos
  • James Hosking
    • $500
    • 4 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $50
    • 4 anos

Organizador e beneficiário

Bridgette Pysh
Salt Spring Island, BC
Maria Mewett Hoggard

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