Maria de Jesus Reyes
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Aaliyah and I'm starting this GoFundMe for the family of my husband. Unfortunately, today in the morning, we got the news that nobody wants to receive. Thursday morning, while preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, my mother-in-law suffered from a stroke. Medics and doctors did all they could, but unfortunately, her brain suffered too much damage from internal bleeding. Being the strong woman she is, she fought as hard as she could for 2 days. Unfortunately, she didn't make it, but she was able to pass surrounded by family and friends that loved her. We have lost a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a grandmother, and a mother-in-law. This news has drastically changed and affected everyone around her as we didn't expect her to leave us this soon. She was a caring and genuine person who made everyone laugh. She was like a mother to everyone; she was the person people would look up to for anything, whether it was for advice or for help, she wouldn't hesitate. Really a selfless person who was humble, hardworking, and full of strength, life, and love. We would appreciate any donation that we receive. I know she and our family will be extremely appreciative. May God bless every person that is able to help us during this hard time.
Hola, mi nombre es Aaliyah y estoy comenzando este GoFundMe para la familia de mi esposo. Lamentablemente, hoy por la mañana recibimos la noticia que nadie quiere recibir. El jueves por la mañana, mientras se preparaba para la cena de Acción de Gracias, mi suegra sufrió un derrame cerebral. Los médicos hicieron todo lo que pudieron, pero desafortunadamente, su cerebro sufrió demasiado daño por una hemorragia interna. Siendo la mujer fuerte que es, luchó tan duro como pudo durante 2 días. Lamentablemente, no logró sobrevivir, pero pudo pasar rodeada de familiares y amigos que la querían. Hemos perdido una madre, una esposa, una hermana, una amiga, una abuela y una suegra. Esta noticia ha cambiado drásticamente y ha afectado a todos los que la rodean, ya que no esperábamos que nos dejara tan pronto. Era una persona genuina y cariñosa que hacía reír a todos. Era como una madre para todos; era la persona a la que la gente admiraba para cualquier cosa, ya fuera para pedir consejo o ayuda, ella no dudaría. Realmente una persona desinteresada, humilde, trabajadora y llena de fuerza, vida y amor. Agradeceremos cualquier donación que recibamos. Sé que ella y nuestra familia estarán extremadamente agradecidos. Que Dios bendiga a cada persona que pueda ayudarnos durante este momento difícil.
Aaliyah Vasquez
Watsonville, CA