Marie Bonin's medical expenses
As many of you may know my mother, Marie Bonin, suffered three strokes on Decemeber 13th. She is recovering but is not yet out of the woods or able to return to work.
The emergency hospital stay, medical bills and monthly bills are accruing and her company does not offer temporary disability. She is receiving no income and there in an indefinate gap between her last pay check and her next.
Our family is working hard to do what we can to make her recovery comfortable and rapid.
If you are able check in on her and see if she needs a ride to an appointment or have an errand run please contact her. For those who are able, please help donate towards the next few months of living expenses and accruing bills. You can help her directly and I can give you our address if you would like to drop off or mail a donation to prevent fees from this service.
Her insurance only covers some of her expenses so these donations will help pay for the hospital stay, her medications, her physical therapy, household bills and groceries.
My mother has touched so many lives and she loves her friends dearly. She doesn't know I am doing this because she would never ask for help but she needs it.
~Cara Bonin