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Mark and Michele’s Recovery Fund

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Mark and Michele lost their home and all their belongings after Hurricane Lane’s winds fueled an unexpected brush fire in Lahaina, Hawaii. Now her nephews, Ryan and Darren Numbers, and family (me) Daralyn , Scott, Payton and Cameron Chase are raising funds to help her and her husband get a new start.  Michele has been like a second mom to my boys —a very loving, giving person. As you can imagine they need many things.  A huge thanks to those who have reached out already to offer their help. The amount of calls, prayers and encouragment has been greatly appreciated.
They still have to pay their bills, including their mortgage and rent for a temporary home. The donated funds will be spent on basics, like clothes, personal care items, pet supplies (2 pups), temporary furnishings. Michele will be out of work for several weeks.
With appreciation,
Scott, Daralyn and the boys.
Read more: http://www.mauinews.com/search/Stefl


  • montana haywood
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam (3)

Daralyn Chase
Gulf Breeze, FL
Michele Numbers-Stefl
Scott Chase
Team member

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