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Mark Nawrocki - Florida Flood

Donación protegida
Hello, my name is Sarah Reed. My brother Mark left our home in Prescott Arizona to move to Florida and open a small massage business. Covid had a big impact on his business and things have been tight financially, but he was getting by. Mark and his girlfriend Isabella live in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Their apartment is in one of the hardest hit areas with the recent flooding. They had almost 24" of rain in the last several days. Yesterday the flood waters rose to several feet inside their home. With the exception of a few items, they were able to cram in a backpack all of their personal belongings have been destroyed. In addition to their belongings, they can not return to their home as it will be having flood repairs for the next several months. Outside was even worse, their cars were submerged in approximately 3' of water. They have been told that both of the cars will be totaled. They have a friend that has graciously invited them to stay with them for a few days. After this brief reprieve, they will be without a place to stay or even a way to get to work. We are asking that you donate as much or as little as you can to help Mark and Isabela start the recovery process to get past this tragedy. We truly appreciate anything you can do to help.

Update 4-14-2023
Two days after these tragic events Mark and Isabela now have infections in their feet from standing in the polluted water for hours. The appointment with the doctor is $375 per person before any treatment. They have to get full blood panels done to even know what type of antibiotics or other treatments are needed

. They have no idea what the treatment may cost. Isabela works as a personal assistant for a doctor who told them there is a flesh-eating virus in South Florida so they have no choice but to get a diagnosis. They are both incredibly overwhelmed and asked us to apologize if they haven't responded personally to anyone. They will reach out once their situation stops spiraling.



  • Eva Oberlender
    • $150
    • 1 yr
  • Venkata Krishnamurthy
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Frances Alvarado
    • $10
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $5
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $150
    • 1 yr

Organizador y beneficiario

Sarah Reed
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mark Nawrocki

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