Mark Swidan,Hostage China 12yrs is back in USA!Pls help!
Donation protected
Mark Swidan,my son,endured 12yrs wrongfully detained American Hostage in Communist China. One look at his blue US passport he was detained. He has been at Brook Army Base since being rescued day before Thankgiving! We are trying to help him get his life back after this horrible ordeal. He lost everything and came back with just the clothes on his back. Please help my son recover by donating and sharing. He endured torture and starvation. Please help me get his life back! God bless you, Ambassador Roger D Carstens and SPEHA ,Congress for never giving up! Mark's mom in Texas
My prayers were answered after 12 yrs of torture,starvation,and horrific punishment. He stayed strong,refused to denounce his country or faith. He paid the price he needs help
I know Christmas is not a time to ask but please share Mark's story,he is an American PATRIOT and as his mom I want him to be able to move on happily and safe. Please share and donate
Katherine Flint Swidan
Luling, TX