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Mark's Prosthesis Cost

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On October 4th 2017, I was diagnosed with Osteogenic Sarcoma, a type of bone cancer. The same type that Terry Fox had, actually.
Due to the size, aggression, and location of the tumour however, I lost my right leg and now need a prosthetic (I have a few more months to go in order to get it, as my leg/stump needs to heal/shrink first).

A prosthetic leg can cost anywhere from $9,000 to $100,000+ in Canada, and even though I'm getting some help from the government to pay for it, there's still a long way to go to cover that cost.

If you want to help, but can't afford to donate, please check out Terry Fox's story at http://www.terryfox.org, it's incredibly inspiring and the Marathon of Hope needs to continue. Even telling your friends about it, or organizing a run in your area and donating to charity that way is a great way to help the cause.

Thanks for reading and checking out my project, I really appreciate it. 
Sincerely, Mark Steel.


  • Stephen Lindley
    • $75
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Mark Andrew Steel
Peterborough, ON
Sheila Steel

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