Markuševec - Center of the Croatian Earthquake
Donation protected
Dear friends, Markuševec and surrounding Villages are in need of dire help, after the devastating earthquake that rocked Croatia. Markusevec was the epicenter of the earthquake that rocked Zagreb and all around the area the Damage is evident. If you look at the photos you will see the damage that was caused to Homes, Churches, and businesses. People are unable to return to their homes at the moment and help is needed. Many have had to abandon their homes for the time being. Any amount of money, large or small, or a simple share is all that is asked for so that they may return home.
All Funds will be distributed by HKUD "Prigorec" Markuševec. Some words from them:
On Sunday, March 22, Zagreb, the capital of Croatia was hit by the strongest earthquakes in 140 years, during a lockdown due to the SARS-CoV-2 (corona virus) outbreak. The epicenter of the earthquakes was unfortunately located in Markuševec, a neighborhood of Podsljeme, situated in the foothills of Medvednica mountain, 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) North of Zagreb.
For years, the residents of Markusevec supplied Zagreb with fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy products and flowers. If they weren’t working the fields, they were working as construction workers contributing to the development of Zagreb.
The 6 000 residents, many of which are families that have been living there for many generations, warm, welcoming, hardworking and generous people lead a good life. Markusevec is known for its rich culture and strong sense of community, where young and old traditionally gather at the parish church of St. Simon and Judas Thaddeus, activities at school and the Croatian Cultural Arts Society Prigorec Markuševec, nurturing the rich Croatian folklore and playing the tambura, a traditional Croatian string instrument. Entrepreneurship was on the rise. Markusevec even has a ship yard where prize winning yachts are made.
Then ten seconds changed it all…
The first earthquake struck early Sunday morning, with a strength of 5.5 magnitude on the Richter scale shortly followed by another one of a magnitude of 5.0. with the epicenter in Markusevec.
There isn’t a house or family that hasn’t been affected , many houses have been destroyed, the local school and parish church are structurally unsound. Many houses have cracked walls and collapsed ceilings, chimneys and roofs. People had to leave their homes, leaving everything behind. Amongst them many young families with children.
The continued aftershocks inflict more damage and enhance the feelings of anxiety, fear, sadness and uncertainty already instilled by the corona virus threat.
Moments of calmness in between the aftershocks emerge with the help of support and touching messages of encouragement from friends and people from all over the world.
U nedjelju, 22. Ožujka 2020, Zagreb je pogođen najjačim potresom u posljednjih 140 godina i to tijekom provođenja mjera zaštite zbog pandemije SARS-CoV-2 (korona virusa). Epicentar potresa bio je 7 kilometara (4,3 milje) sjeverno od Zagreba. Nažalost, u Markuševcu, dijelu Gradske četvrti Podsljemena, smještenog u podnožju planine Medvednice.
Stanovnici Markuševca su godinama opskrbljivali Zagreb svježim voćem, povrćem, mliječnim proizvodima i cvijećem. Ako nisu radili na poljima, radili su kao građevinski radnici, doprinoseći razvojiu Zagreba.
Markuševec je poznat po svojoj bogatoj tradicijskoj kulturi i jakim zajedništvom, gdje se svi, stari i mladi, tradicionalno okupljaju oko župne crkve sv. Šimuna i Jude Tadeja, sudjeluju u mnogim aktivnostima u školi i u Hrvatskom kulturnom umjetničkom društvu Prigorec Markuševec, gdje njeguju svoj bogat folklor plešući i svirajući tamburu.
Njegovih 6 000 stanovnika, mnogi od kojih su obitelji koje generacijama tu žive su topli, gostoljubivi i marljivi ljudi, su imali uglavnom sređen život.
Poduzetništvo je bilo u porastu, imaju čak i brodogradilište u kojem se izrađuju poznate, nagrađivane jahte „Mirakul“.
A onda, je deset sekundi sve to promijenilo…
To nedjeljno rano jutro, najprije se dogodio jedan potres jačine 5,5 stupnjeva po Richteru, a ubrzo je slijedio još jedan od 5.0. Epicentar je bio u Markuševcu.
Potres je ostavio velike posljednice na obitelji, zgrade i kuće u Markuševcu i okolnim mjestima Vidovcu, Miroševcu, Medvedskom brijegu, Popovcu, Čučerju, Štefanovcu i Bačunu. Crkve, škole i društveni domovi su teško oštećeni. Veliki broj obiteljskih kuća je za rušenje, a mnogima su napuknuti zidovi, popadali stropovi, urušeni dimnjaci i krovovi te dok se ne poprave, njihvovi ukužani imaju zabranu boravka u njima.
Ljudi su morali napustiti svoje domove, ostavljajući sve iza sebe. Mnogi još nisu još isplatili svoje stambene kredite. Među njima je mnogo mladih obitelji s djecom.
Strepnje, strah, tuga i neizvjesnost za egzistenciju vidljivi su na svakom licu. Kao da nije bila dovoljna prijetnja koju donosi korona virus!
Trenuci smirenja dolaze sa smirenjem broja potresa i dirljivim porukama prijatelja i poznanika iz cijelog svijeta koji nas hrabre i nude pomoć.

Fundraising team: Apel za pomoć (3)
Vincent Armic
Riverside, IL
Ivica Hosticka
Team member
Medena Kovacevic
Team member