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Martha’s Fight with Bilateral Breast Cancer

Don protégé

For those of you who have had the
pleasure of meeting our mom, you know that she  is one strong little lady!  She is the
mother of  4 children and grandmother     to 8 beautiful kids.  She is actively
involved in her Catholic church and often
volunteers in function with them.  She
was the caregiver to an elderly couple
who adore her and she is the biggest
“DIY-er” you will ever meet.  There is
nothing she
would not do for the people she loves. 
She is such a hard working, loving, funny, and independent women.  She is the
grandma that will roll around on the floor and play with her grand babies or sit on
the couch and smother them with kisses.
She is loved by so many and a friend to all.   

Unfortunately her body isn’t as stong as her mind and an awful disease has struck her down.   Last month, after suffering a mild heat stroke, she started developing some strange symptoms.  After a week or so had passed by, she knew there was something else going on and it just wasn’t a heat stroke. After
further investigation and multiple doctor visits she was diagnosed with Bilateral
Breast Cancer.  She has stage 3 + on her
left with extension into her lymph nodes and stage 2+ on the right.  This has hit
her and her children like a ton of bricks.   No one ever wants to hear the diagnosis of cancer but cancer in both breast, has
been hard to hear.  As many may know,  Our mom has  experienced a ton of hardships in her life, but this may be the
biggest hurdle she will ever have to face.    She will be undergoing months of grueling
chemotherapy and by the end of it she will have
a bilateral mastectomy scheduled.

We are starting this gofund me to help
our mom with all of the medical
expenses she will accumulate land living expenses she may need help with while she cannot work.   Insurance does not cover all of the drugs that are
prescribed and most are pretty expensive and She will no longer be able to bring in any income.  Being
immunocomprimised and with Covid 19 lingering around we really don’t  want her out
and around people.  .  If there is
anything you can help with, we all GREATLY
appreciate it.  We, her children, will try to do as much as we can but any little
amount of extra will  help her as she fights this
fight.  She has a long road ahead of her. The next 6 months are crucial. She will beat this. ... We have faith.  She is strong ! We love you mom.  Thank you in advance for all of your generous support ! You have no idea what this means to all of us. Our mom is beyond grateful for all of your kind words of encouragement and prayers also. Thank you again.

Liz, Christina, Griselda, and Ivan

Je soutiens


  • Carlos
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 40 $
    • 4 ans
  • Christine Suggs
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Maria Vela
    • 20 $
    • 4 ans
  • Jose Corona
    • 25 $
    • 4 ans
Je soutiens


Liz Martinez Ibarra
Hutto, TX

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