Martin Zamora Memorial Fund
We are saddened by the passing of our beloved Martin Zamora on Sept. 04, 2021 who lost his fight to Covid-19 and pneumonia. His passing was unexpected so we had no insurance. Martin was a truly devoted man and would do anything for his wife and children. He is survived by his wife Janell and 5 children Martin Jr., Eric, Brendan, Logan and Morgan and brothers and sisters.
The purpose of this fundraiser is to help alleviate immediate funeral expenses for the Zamora family. Martin would have wanted nothing more than to make sure his family was taken care of in his absence.
Thank you very much for supporting the Zamora family in their time of need. God needed another Angel, he has gained his beautiful wings.
Miss Me But Let Me Go:
Miss me a little-but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me-but let me go.