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Martin Hofmanns Rescue Fund

Spende geschützt
Update: Thank you all for helping me reach my goal. I really appreciate all the helpfulness I was able to experience. We now have more than enough money to pay for the rescue parties. Unfortunatly we don't have any good news yet.

21st of January 2018 my father Martin Hofmann climbed Mount Nikko Shirane in Japan and got caught in a snow storm. We wanted to send rescue teams up immediatly, but the weather was bad for almost a week and nobody could reach the peak. Finally the weather is better and rescue teams can get up, but hopes to find my father still alive are getting lower and lower. My mother is devastated and on top of our grief and worries, we will have to face immense costs for the rescuing, especially if my father doesn't come back. I want to help my family in this terrible time and at least try to take one of the burdens off their shoulders. And this is where you can help. Every Euro, Pound or Dollar will help me to get over this hard time and to cover all costs. So all money you donate will go to my family Thank you very much for all of you help.


  • Anonym
    • €50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Johanna Hofmann
Bruck, Bayern
Johanna Hofmann

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