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Marty Woolf’s Medical & Funeral Expenses

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**Please see the updates below regarding Marty’s passing and funeral information.***

On Tuesday, August 16th, Marty Woolf suddenly suffered significant seizures and was taken by paramedics to the ICU. His condition is critical but stable.

Marty has been on a ventilator and is heavily sedated as his body attempts to recover. After four days in the hospital doctors are worried about aspiration, pneumonia, kidney damage, and even brain function. He was without oxygen during the seizures for an extended period of time, which is why they’re worried about the affects of that on his brain. The kidney damage concern is for a condition called rhabdomyolisis, which is caused by muscle spasms and muscle damage to the kidneys. The doctors believe that he suffered this muscle damage during the severe seizures.

Marty has severe sleep apnea which complicates his recovery. He is in need of an MRI to assess his brain, but can’t get in the machine that is available at their current hospital with his complications. There is talk of transferring him to another hospital in Colorado or Arizona where they could utilize a specialized MRI machine. There is no timeline on when or if they will be able to transfer him.

There are some good signs! Marty responded to Lexi’s request to open his eyes and to stop pulling on his restraints when asked. He is slowly weaning off the oxygen from 70-60%. He is cautiously tapering off the sedation. He spiked a fever at one point, but that has resolved at this time. He is comfortable throughout this process.

When I talked to Lexi to obtain her biggest needs, she was tearful in sharing that one of her biggest concerns is insurance, hospital bills and Marty being out of work. The family recently moved to a new state. In the process of that move, their insurance was not transferred correctly. The hospital is trying to work with the family but as of now, there is no guarantee of insurance coverage for Marty’s expenses. The additional expenses of travel, food at the hospital, etc. are quickly accumulating and complicating the medical costs.

As the Woolf’s family and friends, we are reaching out to those who love them to ask for your support! We are holding a collective fast on Sunday August 21st and welcome anyone to join in fasting or prayers. Also please consider donating to their gofundme or you may also venmo them directly at @Lexi-Woolf-1 if you prefer that route.

Marty and Lexi’s families have come in from all over to support them. Their church family has stepped in beautifully. The medical team on Marty’s case are taking exceptional care of him. They are grateful to all for the support they have received so far.

To know the Woolf’s is to love them! This beautiful family would do anything for anyone and this is our opportunity to serve them in the same manner. They are understandably overwhelmed with the diagnosis and health concerns as well as the financial burden of Marty’s care. We hope that as we relieve them of their financial worries, the family will be able to focus on a smooth and speedy recovery for Marty. Thank you for your support!


In dieser Kampagne werden Spenden über eine andere Plattform erwähnt, bitte beachte jedoch, dass nur Spenden über GoFundMe durch die GoFundMe-Spendengarantie geschützt sind.



  • Rebecca Woodman
    • 100 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Janelle Koschmeder
    • 100 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Shane Paladin
    • 1 000 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 3 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Allison Pineda
Farmington, NM
Lexi Woolf

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