Build First Masjid in Port Elgin Ontario
You can make a difference by donating today to Jamia Imdadia. We are fundraising to build the First Masjid in our small community of Port Elgin Ontario.
This Masjid will be a center for all the Muslims in the area to come together for prayers, learn Quran for Adults and Kids, have the ability to have Itekaf in the masjid every year, and much more. In-Sha-Allah.
JazzakAllah, in advance for your support. May Allah swt accept everyone's efforts.
Visit www.portelginic.com for info about our organization.
You can also donate via etransfer to [email redacted] or through several other options available on our website to avoid/minimize any fees.
***Disclaimer: Please note that this funding is being collected to construct a new masjid in Port Elgin Ontario. However, if there is a financial risk to operation of the current rental musallah, then PortElginIC management will use some/all of the funding collected for the new masjid to support those activities.
Also, every effort will be made to ensure that day to day operation of the current musallah are continued to be provided through other donations.***
Arslan Baig
Port Elgin, ON
Jamia Imdadia