Masjidus Sunnah Aston is coming!
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Alhamdulillah, by the grace and bounty of Allah we are now in the final phase of completing the masjid..Completing the fittings and fixtures. We will very soon be opening the masjid doors to the worshippers after a period of anticipation Inshā Allah. This final phase has proven to be possibly the most trying phase in the whole project. We are striving our utmost to make the masjid as pleasant as possible for attendees, though many of our previous plans have been thwarted by the recent recession (that we have all seen affecting gas, electric and petrol) seeing construction material prices doubling and close to oppressively tripling in some instances.
This has harmed our previously calculated and priced up plan for completion somewhat (though Al Hamdulillāh we are a few steps from the finish-line). Therefore we ask that you continue to support the completion of the masjid project this Ramadhān, that we may see it through these currently, very rough, turbulent waters.
Wa Jazaakumullahu khairan to you all

Akik Miah