Masks for the Poor
The World needs Tens of Millions of Face Masks - Poor People will be left without:
Lombok Forgotten Children EF & AF Foundation is a frontline humanitarian organisation & we have more than 2,000 volunteers who will be called on to help the poor, dying, disabled & sick. However we are presently without any kind of face mask protection.
1. Face masks are not available and imports don't look likely for quarter of of a billion poor people as they will go to rich countries first
2. If you can get Face masks, the prices are ridiculously expensive.
Project Updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/644062809751903/
MASKS FOR MILLIONS MISSION: For 250 million Indonesians living in crowded villages the suffering will be huge when the Corona Virus spreads. We identify that Indonesia has over one million tailors all in villages all over Indonesia and that given the right 'tipping point conditions' that we can virally influence and tip into action 'Masks for Millions'.
Our present mission is funding our Disabled tailors to start producing and adapting face mask designs. Our next step is to go to media, TV & newspaper etc and share our designs to other village tailors & dressmakers with the goal to create a tipping point movement for tailors to make and supply masks to millions of Indonesians.
SO WHAT TO DO? This project Identifies the human capital that Indonesia has over 1 million tailors & village dress makers, who can easily make material design facemasks and the design includes an inside paper filter pocket.
These can be easily and cheaply made, requires a small amount of material and made in the village.
STRATEGY: Local disabled tailors making masks that help protect local people.
1. Early Pioneers: to fund our disabled tailors to adapt, trial & make 2,000 face masks for our foundation teams.
2. To create a FB tailors facebook group, make videos and website so we can share the designs (and update new designs & ideas)
3. Our Next Challenge will be to grow the project Viral: To take our story to Indonesia online media, TV, Radio, Newspaper to create a 'tipping point effect' so we can create a National movement of Poor People Mask Production by the Tailors & dressmakers of Indonesia.
4. Do the Masks really work? .. these are especially significant when used by the infected, the masks can be washed and if they have and if an internal mask filter is used in the masks pocket it increase the lifespan of the paper mask, these mask seal better, are more comfortable, offer a multi use purpose. No Face mask gives 100% protection and glasses should also be used. One thing the masks also do is significantly reduce hand to mouth contact. A second big effect is they reduce 'public anxiety'
5. Why will the project grow Viral; if the virus hits the demand will be huge, and the good thing about Indonesia's are they are very quick to copy especially if there is a demand for it. We will work on a large call out to tailors & dressmakers'.
6. Can Other Poor Countries Do This? Yes, we are working on this .. if the virus does hits like expected the poor have an opportunity to do the same.
At this early stage of this project I really value those who support and back this early start up.
Kind Regards Peter Honey - please message me anytime on FB: https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/petehoney
Photo One: Our disabled tailors & dressmakers this week making our 1st masks .
Photo 2: Going into production with next week's goal to produce 500 Masks and 1,000 the following week. This maybe difficult and needs our funding support for materials. We can sell these at a profit as well as issuing masks to our volunteer teams.