Mateoh's CGD, BMT now to get Overseas Treatment
Donation protected
My son, Mateoh is a 6 year old boy who is constantly smiling and enjoying his life to the fullest but underneath his smile is a mums worst nightmare. Mateoh was 2 years old when he was diagnosed with Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (2019), he is currently awaiting for his second bone marrow transplant (2023).

Ed Sheeran and Mateoh Eggleton
Mateoh was officially sworn in as a junior constable police officer (2022) and he was officially sworn in as a junior firefighter (2023)
He recently celebrated his Super 6th Birthday at Area 51 not knowing if it would be his last or not. He also recently had a suprise visit by Ed Sheeran when he was visiting Brisbane. Mateoh has many more things on his Bucket List to complete before and after his transplant.
(His timeline of his journey will be below)
Update as seen on the news:
His Bone marrow transplant was left on the tarmac of the airport in America, this has left us with uncertainty of what to expect next and if the donation is still viable? also any answers as to why and how this could happen.
The reason why I have set up a gofundme page for my son and his journey:
With the financial cost of travelling back and forth between hospitals (Brisbane and Gold Coast), Parking costs and basic necessities. I'm also raising my other 3 children at home that need a roof over their head, bills and basic necessities and cost of carers to watch them while I'm with Mateoh. The cost of medication and supplies needed for Mateoh's care at home does become costly fast.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as every dollar goes along way in his journey, we understand if you cannot help financially as times are tough but we please ask you if you can share his gofundme to help.
Timeline of Mateoh's Journey:
My son Mateoh is a happy 2 year old little boy who loves playing with his brother and sister loves preschool and loves being a typical boy.
For numerous weeks i had been taking Mateoh to the doctors to be only told it's the flu given antibiotics n told he would be fine..
On the 14th October I just had a feeling something more was wrong after weeks of high temperatures weight loss no appetite n dramatic change in behaviour I took him to the gold coast university hospital at 9am n by 10.30 they realised dramatically something was more wrong then just the flu.
My little man's bloods had come back he was in heart failure he needed a blood transfusion immediately n antibiotics.
Further scans have showed he has several lesions in his liver lung n kidney.
After 2 days of no answers awaiting results we were rushed to the Brisbane children's hospital on our arrival was awaiting the oncology team surgeons, infectious disease specialist and radiology and immunology team.
I didn't know what to expect.
It's been blood test after blood test with them being sent to America for DNA n genetic testing, it's been ultrasound ct scans MRI xrays with still so many questions there was no answer.
With so many test, scans and biopsy and the doctors corresponding with over seas doctors trying to confirm what's going on with taoh there were finally results that Mateoh has chronic granulomatous disorder.
A rare immune system disease were infection and bugs have taken over his right diaphragm eating away at his liver lung n kidney causing many complications.
As a result of the infection Mateoh has had surgery to remove half his liver with the help from over seas surgeons and surgeons from the Princess Alexander hospital.
Surgery went longer then expected and resulted in more infection being found.
Currently Mateoh has been in brisbane children hospital for 2 n a half months trying to stabilise him enough so we can move closer to home for the holiday period.
A week before Christmas we were transferred to the GCUH were i have learnt to do all his medications and feeds through his nasogastric line
With fantastic news before Christmas we were told they had found a match for a bone marrow transplant.
We were finally aloud home.
With high temps still and infection levels keep going up we were only home for 2 days before being admitted back to hospital.
With higher steroids on board and the home nurse we made it home for Christmas day.
We are now back in hospital for a 2 week admission then up to brisbane with the hope taoh stays stable to be able to start chemotherapy n have a bone marrow transplant In the beginning of next year.
Mateoh is looking at a long n lengthy stay in hospital until he is in the clear from his bone marrow transplant.We are currently awaiting for the donation to arrive in Australia from Amercia after it was donated by a kind hearted person but sadly it was left on the tarmac of the airport, this has caused an anxious wait to see if the donation is still viable. We will keep everyone updated as we know.
We appreciate every single one of you that's been able to help with the gofundme, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thank you so much from,
Shayln (Mother), Mateoh, Emeliah (Older sister), Kaiyden and Rhylan (younger brothers), Family and Friends.
The whole Mateoh's journey with Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Facebook group.

Ed Sheeran and Mateoh Eggleton
(QCH-19th Feb 2023)
Shalyn Eggleton
Upper Coomera, QLD