Help Matt Burg with hospital bills - auto accident
Donation protected
Jan 31, 2024 update - Once again, Matt and Lauren want you to know you have been God’s hand and feet helping them with their medical bills. This was a scary accident but all are on the mend. Matt has lingering issues from the TBI - traumatic brain injury - and will be seen by a neurologist in days to come. Hopefully all those symptoms resolve themselves quickly. He does not have to have sinus surgery which is a great relief. Although the girls are just fine now they have had a hard time sleeping alone which has been a challenge. Hopefully, they won’t remember this experience because they are so young.
Hot off the press today, Matt did say he hopes to start work on Monday if all goes well between now and then. He works remotely for Teen Challenge of MN.
Matt’s dad, Ken, found a van for them to buy as their car was totaled. Lauren’s dad drove it down to them. Matt’s cousin who is a mechanic kindly checked it all over and deemed it a great car for them.
A huge answer to prayer came today. Matt and Lauren wrote a letter asking their landlord if they could get out of their lease early. Considering the very unusual nature of this situation, the landlord said sure. They need to give a 30 day notice and that’s it. The plan is to move back to WI where they lived before moving to KS. Their home there is open and they can move back and rent it. Their WI home is near Lauren’s parents and a good supportive church family. They love it there. Matt said the fishing is great.
Their date to move has not been set yet. They may delay the move a bit so Matt can continue to heal without the stress of all it takes to move.
We will post more when we know more.
Jan 7, 2024 update … see Lauren Joy Burg’s posts on FB https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0t6NdbFDW62G7Rn77RzSJ43zaGkrZgkFYLkRa9Vkn1b9zxEaUqd7faqFGCP3U5YfMl&id=100005323938004&mibextid=WiMSqg
Look at this post on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02TNt3Rofasi7z954wg1p2F5wsZqN5wQiARwKHdP2ZbbNgo5uG8axnZCqMTVNbwSe8l&id=100005323938004&mibextid=WiMSqg
Dec 29, 2023 original post:
We are Matt’s aunt and uncle and have some painful news about Matt, Lauren, Ellie (3) and Rainy (18 mos.) Burg. If you met this sweet family, you would fall in love with them. Such kind, thoughtful, loving and giving people and the girls are adorable. Matt and Lauren have both worked at Teen Challenge in Minneapolis, sacrificially giving so others may have hope and recover as they did.
Wednesday, Dec. 27th around 7pm Matt and the wee ones were driving together and were involved in a serious car accident totaling their car. Matt and their littlest, Rainy, had concussions and Matt more serious injuries so those two were transported two hours away to a trauma center in Wichita, KS. Along with a concussion, Matt has broken ribs, a fractured sinus bone, an almost severed earlobe, bruising, and overall trauma pain. Matt and Rainy are still in the hospital but we hope will be released soon. Matt will have a longer recovery and perhaps sinus surgery ahead. As the breadwinner for the family he will not be able to work for some time, which will devastate their financial situation. Their only reliable car has been totaled.
The Burg family are new to Claflin, KS, having moved there not long ago to take care of Lauren’s grandmother, so they have not had time to establish a home church or community. Being away from family and friends is very difficult and even more so in such circumstances.
Perhaps you know this family personally or you are being introduced to them for the first time and would like to help them.
To everyone reading this, we would like to invite you to consider giving to a GO FUND ME account we have set up. Any amount will be so appreciated.
And if you could let others know of this fund, that would be extremely helpful. Please share this with Teen Challenge staff, those impacted by their care and your church community as well. Even other friends and places of work may be able to help.
As their family, we are so grateful for your prayers for their speedy recovery as well. We don’t want them to feel as alone or discouraged as they might with such mountains to climb while being away from family and friends.
We deeply appreciate your consideration of their need and support in getting the word out. Love in action is so beautiful.
Organizer and beneficiary
Doug Piper
Claflin, KS
Matthew Burg