Matt Williams Medical expenses
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Hello friends. This is a fundraiser for Matt Williams. On Monday, June 30th Matt and his family were at Lake Hartwell when Matt suffered a heart attach. He was taken by ambulance to Northeast Georgia Medical Center. Matt was told that he would need a bypass surgery. It turned out to be quadruple bypass.
After his quadruple bypass Matt did suffer from setbacks and complications. He had yet another V-Tach after surgery. The doctors were able to stabilize him again but were unsure of the cause of this problem. After further testing it was determined that Matt would need a VT ablation due to a potential birth abnormality that is now acting up and causing this arrhythmia as he gets older. Basically his “wires were crossed” which is causing his left ventricle to beat incredibly fast and cause V-Tach.
The doctors did a ventricular ablation but also had to implant an ICD pacemaker+defibrillator to control V-tach. What started out as possibly being released from the hospital in hopefully a few days ended up being 23 days in the hospital (all but 3 spent in The Coronary Care Unit). Matt was finally able to be released last week but did end up with a blood infection after his surgery. He will need to continue with the IV antibiotics for several more weeks due to the infection.
As you you can imagine something like this can not only be very emotionally stressful but can cause financial stress on a family. Matt has already been off of work for several weeks now and will have to continue being off for several more. Since Matt’s income is a lot based on commission this along with the incoming medical bills is a lot for any family to handle.
Matt had been the Mill Creek Athlete Association Football Director for many years. Donating endless hours expanding nearly 10 years of his time to this community to make it better for the youth. He’s a family man who is always the first to step up for any friend in need. Well now Matt needs our help. We hope you find it in your heart to donate to help this loving family during this very difficult time in their lives.
Thank you and please continue to keep Matt and his family in your prayers.
Matt Williams
Buford, GA