Matt Zeigler’s medical bills and prosthetic
Donation protected
On Saturday, January 21 around 1:50am my son, Matthew Zeigler was in a horrible single vehicle accident. He flipped his car and was trapped inside. They say he must’ve hydroplaned due to bald tires after trying to avoid a deer and consequently crossed the left lane, hitting an embankment, flipping the car multiple times and sliding 100ft - the car violently rested on the roof. He has no memory from the drive itself, or up until 4 days later in the hospital. His hand was most likely crushed from flying out the drivers window and being crushed by the drivers side door/roof pillar when the car finally settled on the roof. The drivers side curtain airbag never went off, which would’ve kept his hand inside the vehicle. My son Matthew laid knocked out cold, bleeding out for 20 minutes, trapped upside down in the car. We thought his Apple Watch saved his life with it's SOS feature but after getting the opportunity to talk to the officer, and one of the firefighters there that saved his life that night, it was a woman driving on this dark, lonely, rural back road who found him and stayed with him the entire time. His literal guardian Angel. We are still trying to figure out who this person is. He’s still in the hospital and will require multiple surgeries. He has already had over 6, last one was earlier today (2/1/2023). When he showed up to the hospital that morning Saturday the 21st, they immediately amputated his middle finger, but gave him an option to keep his index. My son ultimately said to keep it but after understanding the amount of work that has to be done to keep the pointer finger, with very little movement, or if any at all.. we decided to amputate. They amputated his index finger Monday, January 30th. He has been trying to keep his spirits high, as it was his left hand, and he's left-handed. But he continues to struggle emotionally. One day at a time. We are unsure when he will leave the hospital, and each day is a struggle but we continue to be strong as God is on our side. Please help us financially for all the medical bills and for later down the road, a prosthetic hand/fingers for an easier quality of life and getting back to doing what he loves to do. Please, we don’t expect or really want $100,000 but we put a high cap so anything in-between is sincerely appreciated. Thank you so much, The Zeigler’s
Rebecca Zeigler
Palmyra, PA