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Matthew's Cancer Adventure

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Parents never like bad news about their kids and the words "your son has cancer" will knock the wind out of even the strongest sails. Matthew is a 17 year old championship high school swimmer who has just been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. This will keep us extremely occupied for the next year and a half. Expenses will mount from travel to parking to medical bills, etc. so funds are quickly needed. Your donations to Matthew's Cancer Adventure fund will mean so much to our family as we seek to keep ahead of this crazy new phase of life. You will have our eternal gratitude.

The story behind the fund title is that when the diagnosis came Matthew was asked how he was doing and he told his big sister, "I'm down for the adventure!"

We will keep all of you in our prayers!

If you could do the same we would greatly appreciate it!!!



  • Laura Riemer
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Christopher Hogan
Spring, TX

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