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Matty Read - Cancer Treatment

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Hi everyone. One of my best friends, @MattyRead was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma a couple of weeks ago, a form of cancer. What makes things worse is that he is currently in China, and will have to pay a huge amount of money to receive his chemotherapy, as well as other expenses, when he eventually finishes treatment. As such, as I’m sure his family and himself will be less willing to appeal for funds themselves, we are doing so for them because we love Matty and don’t want him to be any worse off financially going through what is ultimately life saving treatment.
I myself was diagnosed with testicular cancer in May of this year, and have been extremely lucky enough to benefit from the free and wonderful care and chemotherapy treatment that the NHS provides, but Matty hasn’t been so lucky. So for my Facebook friends who don’t know Matty themselves but would equally have helped me if I was in a similar position, if you’re able to, please donate to his cause as it’s going to be invaluable to him and his family.

Thanks x


  • Suzanne Irvine
    • 30 £
    • 2 Jahre
  • Nicola Read
    • 250 £
    • 2 Jahre
  • Sandra Bland
    • 20 £
    • 2 Jahre
  • Julie Gleeson
    • 10 £
    • 2 Jahre
  • Tracey Edge
    • 100 £
    • 2 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Rob Schenck
Matthew Read

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