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Maxos Gastropexy Surgery

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Hey Guys, My name is Alex Kagan and yesterday morning my beloved dog Maxo woke me up with retching and dry heaving, and while common in young dogs I could see immediately that morning something was much worse. It persisted without breaking, all the way to the vet. The vets then ran some tests and came to the conclusion that he required an emergency gastropexy. While I will stop at nothing to ensure the health and safety of my dog, the total out-of-pocket costs exceeded 10,000 dollars, leaving me in a precarious situation. I normally would never seek money from the public, however, ensuring that my good boy can have this emergency surgery which would not only save his life but also prevent such an occurrence from happening again seems like a good reason.
All of the money donated will go to cover actual surgery costs, and I will personally pay for all of the recovery and therapy costs myself. I hope those of you with a furry friend understand how difficult this all can be, and are kind enough to give or share in a time like this.


Alex Kagan
Houston, TX

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