McGee Family Benefit
Sandy and Ron McGee have been stricken with life altering and potentially life threatening health conditions for the last year.
The McGee family is the definition of Resilience - Sandy, recovering from septic shock and multiple amputations. Ron, battling stage 4 kidney disease while waiting for a kidney transplant.
All proceeds are going to help out a family that has been plagued with health problems for the last year, however, never ever lost sight of who they are.
McGee Family Family Facebook Page for more info! The complete story of Ron and Sandy's health conditions:
It has been 6 months now since Sandy McGee became sick. What started with what was thought to be the flu (upset stomach, headache, cold chills) ended up being so much more. She had a kidney stone that was blocking her ureter, which caused an infection. With this infection, she became septic.
All in a couple of days, Sandy went into septic shock. Sandy's organs began shutting down due to the shock. She was on medications to help stabilize her blood pressure, but there was lack of blood flow to her hands and feet. She stayed at a local hospital for a week and then was life flighted to OSU for further treatment. She was able to come back home in early January but then had to go back to OSU in February for amputations of her upper and lower extremities. (Mid forearm on her right arm, fingers and the tip of her thumb on left hand, right foot, and below the knee on the left leg)
Sandy is now back home and waiting for her prosthetics. Throughout the whole ordeal, Sandy never gave up. She kept fighting and will continue to do so!
Ron's Story -
Ron McGee was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease 3 1/2 years ago. He has been on dialysis for the past year. He is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently searching for a donor.
Just like Sandy, Ron has not given up! He is a fighter!
All the details for the McGee Family Benefit taking place May 13th at 2pm can be found on McGee Family Benefit Facebook page. The benefit will be auctioning off lots of great items, silent auction and more!
Please share, donate, or just spread the word of this great family and the struggles and triumphs they are facing together!