McKay HS ScotsAppella - ICHSA Finals NYC
Donation protected
Hello to All near and far,
My name is Sheng Lor, Treasurer for McKay HS Music Boosters. I am helping Fundraise for ScotsAppella's ICHSA Finals in New York City. Let me share with you an amazing story this group of kids is on and the obstacles they have overcome.
We are the:
McKay High School's Scots-Appella and we're going to New York City!
This group of hard-working students has competed in the Varsity Vocals ICHSA competition this season, winning their Quater-Final, placing 2nd in their Semi-Final, and winning the Wild Card round, giving them a spot in the Finals!
The competition started with 212 groups from 26 states and is now down to the final 9 groups in the nation. Scots-Appella is honored to represent the Northwest in the competition and we need your help to make this trip memorable for the students.
The Salem-Keizer School District has been very helpful with our transportation and lodging, and we still need additional funds for food and experiences. McKay High School is a Title I High School (100% free and reduced lunch), so the students are so thankful for your support. There are 19 students, and all donations will go directly to them for their trip! Every amount helps!
Feel free to watch the competition set here: https://youtu.be/OKjJatnBvrQ and follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MckayChoir or Instagram @scotsappella
This is an amazing opportunity for these young, and talented students.
We appreciate all your support!
Sending our voices with love to all.
Go Scots!
Sheng Lor
Salem, OR