Single mother of three
Tax deductible
“Before Agape House, I didn’t know what I was going to do or where I was going to go, but after Agape I didn’t know it could have been this good.”
Make a difference today, donate to Agape House of Prescott. Become a part of the solution! Pray, Give, Serve.
Agape House of Prescott exists to provide long term transitional housing for families who are without a residence. We actively seek to keep the families together while helping facilitate additional support service in order to equip the families for an independent and self-sustained future.
Single Mother to Three, Move-In Day
For this family of four, move in day was special. Mother decorated and organized home. She is proud of her home. They are eating, sleeping, and feeling safer than they have in a long time. Mother is figuring out healthy boundaries. She reaches out for advice and guidance. She is eager to get back to work. Mom is doing well and feeling much better.
Vital Moms
She has joined Vital Moms at The Heights Church. Mother and kids LOVE Vital Moms. She said she feels her support system is small, but good & strong.
Finding my own church
It was hard to leave my previous church, but I needed to find my own church. I have begun attending Women’s Bible Study and it is going great!
Love & Logic, Parenting Classes
Mother of three attended Love & Logic parenting classes. Afterwards, she reported that she was able to put the lessons from love & logic parenting classes into action and it is very helpful! “Love & Logic is going great!”
Chore charts
Single mother worked closely with mentor to get a chore chart made up for the children to help ease her anxiety. The oldest is doing small chores now to help build up her confidence, self-esteem and learn responsibility. Eldest was able to help mother write out chores and routines for all three kids. The children were able to join the mother in completing tasks around the home. They would pick their clothes out the night before, then afterwards, they would read stories together. Bedtime routines are in place.
Meal Planning
Mother is learning to “let go” of some expectations and control of perfection when it comes to children and house cleaning. Mother and mentor work on a monthly meal calendar to get organized, and a crock pot. Mentor helps mother with dinner ideas. Utilizing the many food banks in the area is very helpful.
So many Dr. visits
With having three children and working in daycare, mother and children seem to be on an endless cycle of sickness, which then causes mother to have to call off of work. Mother receives encouragement to follow up on necessary Dr. appointments for herself and her children including pediatric physician, vision, well-women check, therapy, and mental health evaluation.
Budgeting Classes
Single mother of three registered for budgeting classes at the local church and is currently working on her personal budget plan. Mentor and resident mother work on budgeting together and filling out a credit report to find out credit score. Mother filled out credit application to get a full report of debt load.
“Before Agape House, I didn’t know what I was going to do or where I was going to go, but after Agape I didn’t know it could have been this good.”
By supporting Agape House, you support families in crisis experiencing homelessness. Family Sponsorships at $6,000 provides housing and utilities for six months. YOU provide hope, for families, just like this. Become a part of the solution; Pray, Give, Serve
Agape House of Prescott