PARO seals for dementia care
mecwacare will be taking part in Giving Tuesday on December 3, a global initiative that encourages people who wouldn’t normally give to donate to organisations who are making a difference.
Our campaign is called “Seal the deal” in which we are seeking funds to purchase more PARO therapeutic seals for our residential aged care centres. Our goal is to raise $40,000 for five seals (we currently have two) to ensure as many residents as possible have access to the wonderful, clinically-proven benefits provided by this interactive technology.
Just like animals in pet therapy, PARO can help relieve depression and anxiety for residents who are living with dementia or mental health issues. PARO responds to sounds and can learn names, including its own. It produces sounds similar to a real baby seal and, unlike a real seal, can be programmed to be active during the day and sleep at night.
PARO can learn to behave in a way that the user prefers. By interacting with people, PARO responds as if it is alive, moving its head and legs, making sounds and reflecting behaviour.
mecwacare currently has two PARO robots, which hold the Guinness World Record title of World’s Most Therapeutic Robot. These PAROs are shared across 11 aged care centres. Encouraging social interaction and calming distressed residents are proving to be two of PARO's most promising benefits.
#givingtuesday #givingtuesdayaus #sealthedeal
About Us
mecwacare is a leading not-for-profit, non-denominational charitable organisation with a reputation for excellence. We have provided care to the community for more than 60 years, offering residential aged care, home care packages, respite care, in-home support, community housing, community programs, disability and nursing services. We provide optimal choice for people of all ages, irrespective of financial, religious, cultural or lifestyle background.
mecwacare supports more than 15,600 people each week across greater Melbourne and regional Victoria through a highly-integrated service network operated by more than 1,800 employees and 450 volunteers. Our staff are culturally and linguistically diverse, representing 89 nationalities and speaking 98 languages.
Our organisation believes in responding to the changing needs of the community and actively encourages and supports continuous improvement, innovation and safe service delivery> Our purpose is to partner with the elderly and people with a disability to live fulfilling and purposeful lives.
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