Medical & Financial Hardship funds for TJ
As many of you know, on August 30th, our good friend, TJ Renner was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that resulted in TJ suffering from severe head trauma and being life flighted to St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria.
While TJ has a very long road to recovery ahead of him, he also has a son at home and a baby girl on the way that rely on him for financial support. Every little bit counts in helping TJ & his family out during this difficult time. All donations received will go towards helping TJ & his family pay for medical expenses incurred and help relieve some of the financial hardship they will experience by TJ being off work for 6 months or longer.
TJ is a great friend to many of us and many will tell you that he is one of the best people you will ever meet. TJ has always been full of life, always seen with a smile on his face and has never hesitated to help any of his friends or family out. If you will, please keep TJ & his family in your prayers and well wishes. All donations, no matter the amount, are greatly appreciated during this challenging and emotional time. THANK YOU!!!