Medical and economical hardship
We have recently found out some news that have put us in great distress. The update on my medical situation is that my neuropathy has gotten worse and so has my stenosis. I can no longer work outside the home because I have been having frequent bouts of paralysis, full lower body. Because of that it is very likely that I will be paralyzed a lot sooner than the original doctor stated. So the hardship is that my insurance will not cover the copy on all of the very expensive meds, that is one. I have covered some of the bills, however I still need new plates for our car which when you moved to Florida as a new resident is $400 plus $56.00 a person for license. In addition the new meds are going to be $300 to $475 each. My insurance will not cover all of them. Lastly we had made arrangements for my daughter and wife to go back home and see family one last time. She wants to go see her great grandmother and is very close to her and wants to go to prom while she is there. It is well over 1000 miles so they have to fly to make it in time. Going back to the medical portion. It is getting harder and harder to get out of bed, but I will not give up. I will continue to do yoga daily and exercise, even if it is only upper body. After we get passed the initial hump of 2200, I do have an additional plan to cover the medication, as if it is proven that they are working and needed, the insurance will cover most of them. So all of these things have left us in a bind, I would greatly appreciate your help to get some or all of this situation worked out. Lastly I only launched a campaign because we were relying on our taxes to remedy this situation, but today we found out that they are taking them for my student loans that were supposedly set off.
$1 to $14 Level
I will send a PDF copy of Avenadia, Our steampunk Rpg. It is a d20 system.
$15 plus
You get the above PDF and,
THE CRIMSON COLLECTION, featuring tales of Sullivan's time-spanning heroine, including her origin. By Author Steve Sullivan.
In addition you with receive Vixen by Author Chris Clark.
IndyHippo is offer a of copy of Sci-If Beta Kappa
$50 plus
Joachim Heise will do a soundtrack for any of your needs gaming or otherwise. Plus you also get all of the above as well.