Medical Expenses for Caden Jacobs
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Caden was involved in a serious motorcycle crash in the early hours on Easter Sunday. He lost control of his bike and flew across the road into a street sign and his bike flew and took out another sign. Thankfully he was wearing his helmet and proper clothing. He was in critical condition and air lifted to the University of Iowa where he remains now. He has a collapsed lung, kidney damage, a chest tube in place, a broken ankle, fractured spine, 9 broken ribs, and a severely broken arm which requires surgery. He will have a long road of recovery ahead of him even once he is discharged from the hospital. Anyone who knows Caden knows he will be the first person in the room to crack a joke and make sure that everyone around him has a smile on their face. He is the most loyal brother, son, and friend anyone could ask for. Our family will have many up coming expenses such as medical bills, outpatient therapy, home supplies needed for recovery, gas expenses to and from Iowa city, meals on the go, parking, time off work, and so many more. Anything donated will go directly to these cost for our family. If you have the means it would be an amazing blessing if you could donate. If a financial donation is not your thing, we would also appreciate meals made for the family or any prayers and support we can get. I will also include my Venmo as go fund me does take a small portion of the money raised. We appreciate all the prayers and the love and support our family has already received. It’s a miracle he survived and we thank God every waking moment that he is still here with us. Thank you❤️
Venmo: @malia-jacobs
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Malia Jacobs
Center Point, IA
Amanda Jacobs