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Medical Expenses for Clint McDaniel

Spende geschützt
Hi everyone! As you all know our dad, Clint McDaniel, was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Several people have asked how they can help & this is the best way I know how. We will not be able to do a benefit because he will not be able to be around anyone with the risk of him getting sick due to a weakened immune system caused from the radiation that he is fixing to start. So for all that has asked how they can help, this is it. All funds raised from this will go directly to any & all medical expenses for his treatment. All donations & prayers are appreciated! He’s got a long road ahead of him but he is a fighter & I know that God has His hands on him! Thank you all for the love & help during this time! #ClintCourage

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Mandi Lawrence
Blue Mountain, MS
Vicki McDaniel

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt