Medical Expenses for Mike and Paige
Hi everyone,
My name is John Dabe and I am starting a go fund me for my cousin Mike Rossi and his girlfriend Paige Fijolek. Mike and Paige were involved in a motorcycle accident yesterday and they are in rough shape. They are going to need multiple surgeries and years of rehab. At the same time, they are alive and they need our help. I started this because they would do the same for any of us. They would give you the shirt off their backs if they considered you a friend. If you have met either of these two I guarantee they put a smile on your face at least once. They truly are two of my favorite people and we need to all do our part and come together. Life is short and we need to be thankful for everything we have. I am extremely grateful that they are both alive, but this is a long road ahead. So, I ask you to please donate anything you can. To my favorite couple, you will get through this and life will go on. It will take sometime, but we’re all here for you. I love you both and we will get through this together.