Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Medical expenses & bills

Spende geschützt
Hi my name is Tanya. My brother was involved in a vicious attack. This attack caused him to abstain 42 stab wounds, a severed artery in one of his hands & a punctured lung. My brother has spent more than a week in the ICU, fighting for his life. When he is released from the hospital he will be out of work for two months or longer. We are asking a little help to take away from less worry in this extremely stressful situation. Myself and our family would like to make his transition money as easy as it could be. Can you imagine being viciously attacked and not being able to pay your bills? My brother; myself and our family appreciate anything that people are willing to give. If you are unable to donate, help us spread the word. Thank you for all of your generosity.


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Tanya Williams
Somers Point, NJ

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