Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Medical fund for Cienna Cook

Spende geschützt
On Sunday, July 30th, my girlfriend  (Cienna Cook) was floating down the Boise River when a man jumped from the Baybrook bridge and landed feet first on her abdomen.  The impact was so great that  she was unable to move or swim and floated helplessly in the current until a man on the bridge rushed down and jumped in to rescue her - bless him!   After being taken by ambulance to the St. Luke's Hospital, she was rushed again by ambulance to the St. Alphonsus hospital to be seen by a specialist for her internal bleeding.  The severe bruising to her organs, will prevent Cienna from returning to work for some time.  The hospital bills will be extensive, and will put a strain on the entire family.  We would appreciate your generosity to help make sure this young man doesn't perpetrate an additional financial crime against Cienna and her family as well.  Below are the links to the news reports that aired July 31st and August 1st.  We appreciate any monetary contribution you can make in her behalf.  Every dollar helps.  Thank you!  I intend to give every dollar directly to her to assist with medical bills and basic every day needs.  


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Justin White-Ammons
Meridian, ID
Cienna Cook

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