Medical fund for Sudden Leukemia
Donation protected
Im sorry for the long read :/ Diagnosis : Acute T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Short of it- Im a single mom working hard to raise my son and just as things were looking up and my career was soaring!! I get hit with leukemia, cancer of the blood, staying in the hospital for a month and being put on disability. Now unable to pay for medical bills, son's school, prescription co-pays, groceries.. ect. I am sending this to many people. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Donation, even a 10 or 20 dollar donation, or share this on your page asking your friends to help and reshare. Please.
Full story- My name is Alexandra Betts but most people call me Alex. I am a single mother to an amazing little boy shonis 3m4 years old. I was surrogating this year for the beauty of creating a family but also to get myself out of the debt i was in. Well i accomplished that but a week before the suro baby was due on 11/29/2017 I went in for lab work because i wasnt feeling too good and the labs came back abnormal. I was instructed to go to labor n delivery to have the baby. Baby girl was health and happy at 7 lbs 4 oz. They did many sets of bloodwork on me though the delivery and the day after. Every 3 hours just about. They could not figure out what was wrong. baby was born om11/30/17 and On 12/1/2017 I got a call from a hematologist/oncologist asking to do a bone marrow biopsy and my heart sank... After some testing I was digagnosed with Acute T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia with a 10.9 cm Mediastinal tumor. Unable to go home, I was moved to the cancer ward and had many tests done on me so we could figure out and start treatment. mostly making sure my heart could take it. December 3rd we started Chemotherapy. I didnt really have time to think about it with everything going so fast. I have now been in the hospital for 31 days now with one 6 hour day pass. They are planning to send me to Stanford in the bay area for a bone marrow transplant. That will be another 2-3 months away but we will have to pay for "staying local" in a hotel. Insurance dose compensate some for staying local but not enough to cover the hotel in full. Were looking at a minimum of 12,000 to pay for hotels durring my treatment. If they keep me longer it goes higher. When I go will be decided on January 2nd with another spinal tap. I had to miss Christmas with my son but I do get to spend nights with him throuhout the week. I am asking for some help financially for many things. I am now on disability for a projected 6 months (most of that being in the hospital) and my disability income bairly covers my rent. Honestly I am not good at asking for help and even worse at asking for money. I am sending this to many people. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Donation or share this on your page. I have to ... I am asking for help so that I have enough money to get me through this treatment. With Logan's school/daycare cost, my new medical bills (prescriptions over 150 and copay to see my Dr 125) whatever medical bills having the bone marrow transplant will be, allong with transportation and other costs for my mom to stay with me in the bay area where I'll have the transplant, and just general living expenses. (I have looked to outside charties but they all have conditions that i dont fall under or are currently unavailable. Such as Ronald mcdonald house charity you have to be under 21 and cleaning with a reason has high demand and is unable to help) Anything helps even just $5 or 10 dollers. I appreciate the help dearly. Thank you! Thank you for even taking the time to read this. ♡ SENDING LOVE TO EVERYONE!
Alexandra Betts
Citrus Heights, CA