Medical Fund for Tom's Brain Surgery
In June 2021, Tom was diagnosed with a meningioma on his left frontal lobe. The brain tumor has caused a significant degradation on Tom’s quality of life. It is very difficult for him to speak, and he struggles to communicate via text or paper because of a severe loss of dexterity in his hands. The tumor has also begun to affect his mobility. Tom has been able to stave off further detriment for the time being with a frequent, heavy dose of steroids, but Tom’s doctors have urged him to have surgery as soon as possible to prevent any permanent damage. The surgery is scheduled for this Tuesday (7/6) at Harris in downtown Fort Worth.
Unfortunately, Tom’s previous employer did not provide health insurance and Tom has been scrambling to get this infrastructure setup in time for his surgery. We are all hoping that insurance will be able to pick up the majority of Tom’s incoming medical bills, but even then, Tom and his wife, Sherry, will be looking at sudden, unexpected, and overwhelming medical costs--both to meet their high deductible and for the tests and MRIs that were performed prior to the effective date of his insurance plan.
Tom is a great guy and a kind and thoughtful friend. He never hesitates to help other people out when he can. I have been the lucky recipient of such help on many occasions. I have created this page in hopes of helping him out with the startling medical costs and the mental stress of this massive financial burden. Please consider chipping in if it is within your means to do so. I would also appreciate it if you would share this page to anyone you feel might be interested in offering their support.
Regarding Tom’s surgery on Tuesday, I have been given permission to share updates in this space as they become available. Check back and I will try my best to keep everything updated. Thanks so much for your kindness, love and support for Tom and Sherry while they navigate this difficult time.