Medical Mission to Ozu Abam
This December 2016 A team of Skilled Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and Engineers will be traveling to Ozu Abam/Abia Nigeria. Our mission will be to bring state of the art medical care and support to the people of Ozu. The mission will be arranging travel and purchasing supplies over the next few weeks and so your contribution will be immediately put to task in bringing help to the poorest among us.
Our goal of 5000 dollars will bring these providers and their equipment to this region so that lives can be saved. Surgical procedures, De-Worming clinics, Water supply infrastructure, Patient movement and vaccination will be just some of specific help we will be providing.
1) Faithful and Responsible Stewardship
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40)
Faithful stewardship means to share that which we have been given with those who cannot help themselves. Responsible stewardship requires being mindful of our duty to NOT create an environment of dependence, but rather one of self-reliance. An essential component of Upon This Rock’s ability to work in the community is our ability to identify self-motivated medical professionals and leaders within the community who are committed to a successful outcome – an ongoing, locally-sustained healthcare delivery system that meets the needs of the people and provides a promising future to local medical professionals. We also believe that anything free tends to be devalued, for that reason we ask patients to pay a modest fee (according to their ability) for services rendered. (In some cases, a modest fee amounts to a coconut.)
2) Dignity of the Human PersonEach individual is a unique and unrepeatable manifestation of God’s love. As medical professionals we strive to encounter the whole person, remaining mindful of his/her inherent dignity before God.
3) Principle of Subsidiarity
The fundamental principle of social philosophy, that one should not withdraw from individuals and commit to the community what they can accomplish by their own enterprise and industry. If a complex function is carried out at a local level just as effectively as on the national level, the local level should be the one to carry out the specified function. The principle is based upon the autonomy and dignity of the human individual.
Upon This Rock Medical Center’s mission is to be the leading provider of quality healthcare in the Abam/Abia State region. We are a family-friendly community medical center dedicated to (exceeding expectations in) the delivery of health care in an environment of utmost respect for life and the dignity of the human person. The UTR Medical Center Making a DifferenceUTR Medical Center remains profoundly connected to our community and sincerely committed to the future of healthcare in our region.
UTR Medical Center’s skilled employees and dedicated medical staff partner to deliver individualized patient care and personal attention like no other in Southeast Nigeria.
From friendly primary care offices to state-of-the-art ultrasound scanning, immediate emergency treatment, preventive medicine, a nutrition clinic, innovative surgical services, our compassionate family health, to rehabilitation and home health, we coordinate care across the continuum, keeping patients informed and involved every step of the way.
Since its humble beginnings, UTR Medical Center has embarked on a mission to become a lifelong partner in good health for all the people of Abia State and beyond in Nigeria.
We pledge to our community:
to make health care access easier
to take a more active role in wellness and prevention
to continue to focus on keeping you healthy
Thank you for your time and generous contribution.