Cancer knocks you down & doctors finish you off.
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Cancer knocks you down, and the doctors finish you off.
The Stones in their song “Sympathy for the Devil” left out one category of people synonymous with Satan—cancer doctors, not all, but many. Nine alleged followers of the Hippocratic Oath sent me (Roy Den Hollander) on an end of life horror crossing the river Styx that one cancer doctor said would end during the holiday season of 2019. Hopefully, things improve once I reach the other side.
The nine cancer doctors (oncologists), eight from four famous cancer institutions in New York City, all operated not for my benefit but to transfer money from Medicare into their pockets, their institution’s pockets, and drug company pockets.
The cancer doctors pushed the latest so-called magic immunotherapy drugs even though those drugs were not developed for my particular form of cancer—mucosal melanoma of the terminal variety. One such cancer doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital owned stock in the manufacturer of those drugs (costing $45,000 to $75,000 for three injections) but failed to tell me. His efforts to trick me into taking those drugs delayed an operation on the tumor in my head for over two months in which time the tumor increased in size by 270%.
Another doctor, a radiation oncologist at Columbia University/N.Y. Presbyterian Hospital, used gamma rays to slice and dice my tongue. The tongue was not near the cancer in my head, and he failed to use any of the usual medical techniques for protecting the tongue. For ten weeks, the pain was nearly constant and eating so torturous it was limited to baby food, noodles and oatmeal. He also warned that unless I started doing the same immunotherapy drugs plus allowing him to irradiate my lower back that I’d be dead in six months and before the end would be paralyzed from the waist down.
There was, however, one excellent doctor, a surgeon, who stepped out of Norman Rockwell America, but it was too late. By then, the Mount Sinai Hospital medical oncologist had essentially committed second degree murder on me. I should be D.O.A. during the holiday season.
The malfeasance of just the Columbia radiation oncologist and the Mount Sinai medical oncologist destroyed my law practice, sunk me into debt and now threatens my becoming for the time left a ward of the state who ends up in potter’s field. That is one reason for this fundraising appeal—to pay for a cremation ($1,200) and outstanding debts ($7,000); maintain a roof over my head ($1,500 per month) and pay medical expenses (ever increasing), perhaps including a motorized wheelchair that I will need toward the end when paralysis grips my legs.
The other, and more important reason, is that my story is really an Edward R. Murrow “little picture” of one person’s experience with the cancer profession that tells the bigger story of the harm and stress that profession and its co-conspirators—hospitals and drug companies—cause patients in the pursuit of excessive profits. Today, many doctors believe they have a constitutional right to defraud their patients.
My experience was that the nine out of eleven oncologists lied, prevaricated and dissembled more than used car dealers or pushers. They do so because they believe their mission from the gods is to extend a patient’s life for as long as medically possible regardless of the torture the patient is put through. Of course, by dragging out treatment complete with innumerable tests, everyone in the profession makes money—especially the drug companies. The institutional mind-set is that it does not matter whether treatment turns a patient into a couch potato or makes it impossible for him to do those things that give his life meaning, so long as he stays alive to receive treatment and undergo tests paid for by the patient’s insurance.
The fraud is simply tricking the patient into going through misery until death. To do that, doctors tell stories of miracle cures but don’t tell to whom or allow you to contact that particular person. They say there are side-effects for which they have treatments and drugs, but don’t tell you about the effectiveness or misery from such. They tell you the probably of success from immunotherapy but not the likelihood of serious side-effects. They even use probability statistics from cancers that a patient does not have to trick him into taking drugs created for different cancers. And they scare the bejesus out of you with all kinds of exaggerated horrors that will occur if you do not do what they say while never telling you how their treatments will turn you into a zombie. They talk about quality of life, but it’s not your life whose quality they are trying to preserve but their own.
Another aim of this fundraising appeal is to provide seed money to begin a campaign to restore truth to the cancer profession by establishing the following:
1. A code of disclosure on financial ties between doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, including full disclosure of any funding source for a doctor’s speeches, articles and clinical trials as well as who pays for business trips to medical conferences and their perks.
2. Release to the public the latest research data on the effectiveness of a treatment.
3. Hospital libraries to provide accurate descriptions of drug side-effects and the effectiveness of preventing such side effects in easily understandable English. Such would be paid for by the drug companies.
4. Clinical trial reports in simple clear English that the average patient can understand, also paid for by the drug companies and available at every hospital library for any hospital that administers that drug.
5. List of former patients treated for the same illness who are willing to be reachable through a website to recount their experiences.
6. Doctors would face having their medical licenses revoked if they used anecdotal tales of miracle cures without making that particular patient available to attest to the cure.
7. Doctors would face having their medical licenses revoked if they resort to tactics to scare a patient into doing what maximizes the doctor, hospital or drug company’s profits regardless of the patient’s wishes.
The whole point of the campaign is to make patients as knowledgeable as the doctors are about a patient’s illness and the pitfalls of treatment, especially the use of drugs. In the law, it’s called informed consent.
I’m not going to be around to see whether truth-telling wins out over greed in the cancer profession, but around $10,000 of the fundraising requested can begin a campaign to raise public awareness, warn present and future patients, enlist public officials, set up a website and blog, and start doing what needs to be done. Any ideas are more than welcomed.
To help get the word out, you can share this link to your Facebook Timeline.
One side note, I have since found an excellent radiation oncologist at Sloan Kettering who is the exception to the rule.
Thank you for your time.
The Stones in their song “Sympathy for the Devil” left out one category of people synonymous with Satan—cancer doctors, not all, but many. Nine alleged followers of the Hippocratic Oath sent me (Roy Den Hollander) on an end of life horror crossing the river Styx that one cancer doctor said would end during the holiday season of 2019. Hopefully, things improve once I reach the other side.
The nine cancer doctors (oncologists), eight from four famous cancer institutions in New York City, all operated not for my benefit but to transfer money from Medicare into their pockets, their institution’s pockets, and drug company pockets.
The cancer doctors pushed the latest so-called magic immunotherapy drugs even though those drugs were not developed for my particular form of cancer—mucosal melanoma of the terminal variety. One such cancer doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital owned stock in the manufacturer of those drugs (costing $45,000 to $75,000 for three injections) but failed to tell me. His efforts to trick me into taking those drugs delayed an operation on the tumor in my head for over two months in which time the tumor increased in size by 270%.
Another doctor, a radiation oncologist at Columbia University/N.Y. Presbyterian Hospital, used gamma rays to slice and dice my tongue. The tongue was not near the cancer in my head, and he failed to use any of the usual medical techniques for protecting the tongue. For ten weeks, the pain was nearly constant and eating so torturous it was limited to baby food, noodles and oatmeal. He also warned that unless I started doing the same immunotherapy drugs plus allowing him to irradiate my lower back that I’d be dead in six months and before the end would be paralyzed from the waist down.
There was, however, one excellent doctor, a surgeon, who stepped out of Norman Rockwell America, but it was too late. By then, the Mount Sinai Hospital medical oncologist had essentially committed second degree murder on me. I should be D.O.A. during the holiday season.
The malfeasance of just the Columbia radiation oncologist and the Mount Sinai medical oncologist destroyed my law practice, sunk me into debt and now threatens my becoming for the time left a ward of the state who ends up in potter’s field. That is one reason for this fundraising appeal—to pay for a cremation ($1,200) and outstanding debts ($7,000); maintain a roof over my head ($1,500 per month) and pay medical expenses (ever increasing), perhaps including a motorized wheelchair that I will need toward the end when paralysis grips my legs.
The other, and more important reason, is that my story is really an Edward R. Murrow “little picture” of one person’s experience with the cancer profession that tells the bigger story of the harm and stress that profession and its co-conspirators—hospitals and drug companies—cause patients in the pursuit of excessive profits. Today, many doctors believe they have a constitutional right to defraud their patients.
My experience was that the nine out of eleven oncologists lied, prevaricated and dissembled more than used car dealers or pushers. They do so because they believe their mission from the gods is to extend a patient’s life for as long as medically possible regardless of the torture the patient is put through. Of course, by dragging out treatment complete with innumerable tests, everyone in the profession makes money—especially the drug companies. The institutional mind-set is that it does not matter whether treatment turns a patient into a couch potato or makes it impossible for him to do those things that give his life meaning, so long as he stays alive to receive treatment and undergo tests paid for by the patient’s insurance.
The fraud is simply tricking the patient into going through misery until death. To do that, doctors tell stories of miracle cures but don’t tell to whom or allow you to contact that particular person. They say there are side-effects for which they have treatments and drugs, but don’t tell you about the effectiveness or misery from such. They tell you the probably of success from immunotherapy but not the likelihood of serious side-effects. They even use probability statistics from cancers that a patient does not have to trick him into taking drugs created for different cancers. And they scare the bejesus out of you with all kinds of exaggerated horrors that will occur if you do not do what they say while never telling you how their treatments will turn you into a zombie. They talk about quality of life, but it’s not your life whose quality they are trying to preserve but their own.
Another aim of this fundraising appeal is to provide seed money to begin a campaign to restore truth to the cancer profession by establishing the following:
1. A code of disclosure on financial ties between doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, including full disclosure of any funding source for a doctor’s speeches, articles and clinical trials as well as who pays for business trips to medical conferences and their perks.
2. Release to the public the latest research data on the effectiveness of a treatment.
3. Hospital libraries to provide accurate descriptions of drug side-effects and the effectiveness of preventing such side effects in easily understandable English. Such would be paid for by the drug companies.
4. Clinical trial reports in simple clear English that the average patient can understand, also paid for by the drug companies and available at every hospital library for any hospital that administers that drug.
5. List of former patients treated for the same illness who are willing to be reachable through a website to recount their experiences.
6. Doctors would face having their medical licenses revoked if they used anecdotal tales of miracle cures without making that particular patient available to attest to the cure.
7. Doctors would face having their medical licenses revoked if they resort to tactics to scare a patient into doing what maximizes the doctor, hospital or drug company’s profits regardless of the patient’s wishes.
The whole point of the campaign is to make patients as knowledgeable as the doctors are about a patient’s illness and the pitfalls of treatment, especially the use of drugs. In the law, it’s called informed consent.
I’m not going to be around to see whether truth-telling wins out over greed in the cancer profession, but around $10,000 of the fundraising requested can begin a campaign to raise public awareness, warn present and future patients, enlist public officials, set up a website and blog, and start doing what needs to be done. Any ideas are more than welcomed.
To help get the word out, you can share this link to your Facebook Timeline.
One side note, I have since found an excellent radiation oncologist at Sloan Kettering who is the exception to the rule.
Thank you for your time.
Roy Den Hollander
New York, NY