Medical Relief Fund for Britt Olson
This morning around 9:30am my father was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. He was traveling southbound on a county road and a vehicle pulled out in front of him. In response to this, he locked up his brakes and ended up laying his bike down to avoid collision with the other vehicle. During this he skidded across the asphalt for while before coming to stop. He suffered a large laceration across the back of his head, a shattered elbow, a broken shoulder blade, and 4 fractured ribs along with bruising of the ribs, all along the ride side of his body. We are very fortunate that none of the injuries are life threatening and he will make a full recovery. It will take time, and if you know my father, he is a strong individual and will persevere through this tribulous time. We are asking for help with medical bills to help my parents during this troublesome time. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and I will keep you up to date as we find out more. Thank you ❤
-Samuel Olson