Medical Research and Career Mentorship Symposium
Tax deductible
Want to join me in making a difference? We are raising money for the upcoming medical research and mentorship symposium.
The symposium is an annual event hosted in collaboration between the Pan-African Organization for Heatlh Education and Research (POHER), Copperbelt University School of Medicine Mentorship Program, Young Emerging Scientists Zambia (YESZambia) and Women in Nuclear Zambia (WINZambia).
We plan to have a variety of speakers discussing their career paths, challenges and current roles. In addition, our mentees and researchers from across the African continent will have an opportunity to present their research. Awards will be given to the best submitted abstract in various categories and best presentation at the symposium.
Symposium target audience: medical students and early career doctors in Africa
- Empower attendees with the knowledge to initiate and advance in research.
- Strengthen the understanding of mentorship and its impact on career development.
- With a special focus on African countries
Funds raised will support the hosting of a successful symposium and attendees.
Thanks in advance for your contribution!
Fundraising team (2)
Brookline, MA
Pan African Organization for Health, Education and Research
Team member