Bone Marrow Transplant for Baby Darian
Darian Okunonke is 4 years old , she is a very vibrant child with a promising future.
The challenge began in April 2018 when she could no longer walk and was later diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Lukemia (cancer of the blood). She went through very painful chemotherapy treatment and was later declared to be in remission.
She came back to being her happy playful self, until in November 2019 when she began to have scary symtomps which seemed like the disease had come back. A Bone Marrow Test was carried out and it was confirmed that she had relapsed with a 99% presence of the disease (blast cells).
Her doctors have advised that a Bone Marrow Transplant is highly recommended for her to be able to beat this hard to treat disease.
The total medical expenses needed for the surgery is 60 thousand dollars and so far only a fraction of this fund has been raised.
This is why we are soliciting for support in whatever way, no help is too small towards saving our daughter. While doing this, we pray that God almighty will reward you in a very big way.
We promise and vouch to use all support rendered solely in caring for Darian.
Pls help give Darian a chance at Life!
God bless you as you support.