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Megan B - Leukemia Fundraiser

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Megan Broviak is a sweet spunky 12 year old girl facing  Leukemia for not just the first time but unfortunately the 2nd time in just 3 short years. At just 9 years old,  Megan took the first diagnosis in 2015 of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in stride still attending school whenever possible, continuing her love of basketball and lacrosse and reading book after book after book ! She received chemo that ravaged her body and took her hair…but it never took her spirit.      Just last week Megan was told that she had re-lapsed after having some enlarged lymph nodes in the back of her neck biopsied. This is a devastating diagnosis for a girl who is just beginning to feel “ normal” again. Further testing is being done to determine if this is again Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or a different form of cancer. Although she will endure chemo again and lose that beautiful hair…she will continue to fight and beat this ! On Wednesday she will be admitted for aggressive inpatient treatment at Riley. She will not be allowed to go home nor attend school.               Megan could really use our support. I have set up this GoFund Me account to help with any needs during this time from gas, food, help with bills, medical needs, and something fun for Megan when she is able. All money will be sent to  Ann ( Megan's mom ) & Megan so that the money can be used for their needs.  If you would prefer to drop off a donation or mail something you may do so and Kami & I will coordinate everything. You can mail any items you would like to Megan at Megan Broviak C/O Amber Moore 7344 Braxton Dr Noblesville IN 46062 You may also drop items off and we will be sure she receives them! #MeganStrong


  • Tammy Richardson
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs


Amber Moore
Noblesville, IN

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