Meier (Hajicek)-Schmidt house fire relief fund
Today (August 24th) , Brianne Meier (Hajicek), Dustin Schmidt and their 2 children got the dreaded call while they were at work and school. Their house was on fire. They lost all of their belongings to the fire including multiple beloved family pets. The fire started downstairs and expanded from there. At this point, they are unsure what caused it. While they are trying to stomach the loss of their pets and belongings, they are now trying to deal with replacing the necessities they will need to return to work and school. All funds raised will go straight to the family to replace necessities (clothes, shoes, toiletries, toys, etc.) And housing until everything can be finalized with their insurance.
I know they don't want to ask for help but I also know we all WANT to help whether it be $5, $20, or $100, every dollar helps.