Oscar Melchor family support fund
En español mas abajo
As you may know, last week our friend, colleague, and associate Oscar Melchor de la Cruz, suffered a hearth attack while playing soccer with friends at a park.
Thanks to all the efforts made by his friends, they were able to resucitate him through CPR, and was transported to Tarzana Medical Center, where he is currently fighting for his life in ICU.
We want to start this fundraising effort in behalf of his wife, Otilia, and his two kids, who are suffering the devastating blow of having their spouse, father, and main sustent, fighting the biggest battle of his life, while incurring in numerous medical bills.
So, please keep him in your daily thoughts and prayers, and donate as your hearth dictates. Any donation helps, and all goes directly to his family.
Thank you and God bless you.
Como algunos de ustedes saben, nuestro amigo, colega y/o asociado Oscar Melchor de la Cruz, sufrio un infarto la semana pasada, mientras jugaba al futbol con amigos.
Gracias a los esfuerzos de sus amigos, pudieron resucitarlo con RCP y luego fue trasladado de urgencia al Tarzana Medical Center, donde ahora lucha por su vida en Cuidado Intensivos.
Quisimos comenzar este esfuerzo de coleccion de fondos para ayudar a su esposa Otilia, y sus dos hijitos, quienes sufren enormemente la ausencia de su esposo, padre y principal sustento, luchando la batalla mas grande de su vidas. Los gastos medicos son enormes.
Mantengan a Oscar y a su familia en sus oraciones, o en sus pensamientos, para hacerles llegar la mejor onda posible, y por favor, donen lo que puedan. Cualquier donacion ayuda, y va directamente a su familia.
Gracias y que Dios los bendiga