Melissa Brys cancer treatment
Donation protected
Some of you know, and some of you don't. Our mom, Melissa Brys found out she had cancer on September 6th. What we thought was going to be a simple bump in the road, turned out to be more than we ever expected and very life threatening.
She had an appointment scheduled with UT Cancer Specialists on September 20th. On September 19th we rushed our mom to UT Hospital in excruciating pain. Once we got to the hospital, they done a CT scan, where the results showed that an ulcer had ruptured in her stomach and caused abdominal bleeding, which then dispersed the cancer all throughout her abdomen. After getting these results the doctors at UT gave our mom only 3 days to live unless she went under emergency surgery to remove the obstruction, which consisted of removing half of her stomach, and a tumor for further testing.
After they finished the emergency surgery, she was placed in ICU for two days under close observation. They moved her out of ICU and into a room on September 21st. The oncologist explained that the diagnosis is a rare Gastric Cancer and is in stage 4. Without treatment her life expectancy is only about 6 months, but with treatment her life expectancy could be a year or even longer.
As of right now she does not have any insurance and has been out of work due to this unexpected life threatening series of events.
We would greatly welcome any donations. All donations will 100% go towards her medical expenses and anything else she will need during this hard time. Donations are not expected, but very much appreciated. Please keep our mom and our family in your prayers during this difficult time. If you could take the time to please share this post.
Thank you ❤️
Edit 9/28:
They scheduled surgery on Tuesday 9/26 to put her port in so she could start treatment, but she ended up with fluid under her lungs and an abscess on her stomach. They cancelled the procedure and put in a drain to get the fluid under control.
They have surgery scheduled today 9/28 to put her port in and to remove 2 drains. Please say a prayer for her and the doctors that everything goes good!
She is in a lot of pain and isn’t able to get much rest. We will update with more information as we get it.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying and continuing to pray for her and us. Thank you to everyone who has donated, we appreciate it so much. She has a long ways to go! We ask just to keep praying for her!! ❤️
Edit 10/16:
Mom got released from the hospital on 10/3 and ended up being back admitted into the hospital on 10/8 due to post op ileus. They put a NG tube in to suction the fluids out of her stomach so she could get some relief from throwing up. She ended up with fluid on her lungs, they put a drain in her back to get the fluid off.
They found a blockage in her bowel that they wanted to do surgery on, but decided not to because mom isn’t strong enough to under go another surgery. They took the NG tube out and put her on a clear liquid diet. She’s not able to eat or drink anything without throwing up. She is in a lot of pain in her stomach and back.
The Oncologist come in today and said that they’re going to put a tube in her stomach to drain everything out. Her cancer has gotten a lot worse and spread even more. After they get the tube in they will be releasing mom to go home with hospice. They are only expecting mom to be here 2 more weeks.
If you all could just please keep her in your prayers for comfort during these times.. Please keep all of us in your prayers as this is the worse news we could get..
Edit 10/18:
On 10/17 they took mom in for a procedure to put in a drain tube in her stomach to help with throwing up and to make her more comfortable. The procedure was unsuccessful. They gave us 3 options
1.) Have another procedure done where they run a scope/light down her throat into her stomach to see if they can find a clear, open spot to put the drain.
2.) Send her home with a NG tube
3.) Send her home with nothing but hospice.
Mom decided she wanted to try the 1st option and undergo the procedure. They will be doing the procedure today sometime and then she will be getting to go home. They are only expecting us to have 3-7 days with her.
Please just continue to pray for her and for her to have comfort during this time. Please just continue to pray for all of us, this is so devastating and hard.
Edit 10/19:
They done the procedure on 10/18 and the placement of the drain tube was successful! She is being released from the hospital today, 10/19 and is being sent home where hospice will continue her care at home until she passes
Please continue prayers for mom, she’s in a lot of pain!
Megan Brys
Oliver Springs, TN